Sunday, September 11, 2011

"2-day Stone Painting Art Session with Nicole"

Stone Painting was what Nicole wanted to continue doing after the 1st leg of our 4-session art tutorial, and so Stone Painting it is.

You should see the excitement on her face when I brought out these stones on our 1st day. Funny how these humble stones could turn into “gems” in the unassuming eyes of my little artist Nicole. 

I see blank canvas in every bare space I spot and observing this attitude to Nicole was like a déjà vu. Something worth smiling about.

We used to do our paintings & drawings using table & chairs and later on, Nicole & I decided to do it on the floor. It’s casual, no rules, no limitations, it’s cosy and we both liked it.

We can do it sitting up…

 Sitting a little lower…

Or sitting lowest, to the point of almost slumping on the floor. (Giggles)
This is what I love when doing these artsy stuff at home, you can be unpretentious and do whatever you want, as long as you get the job done, nothing else matters.

These are our finished products…

And my personal favourite is this cute little one. Notice the complementing color combination?

After finishing a few, Nicole asked if I wanted to watch her school play thru a DVD. Of course I said yes. The kids in the play were sooo cute. I got so hooked up watching & the next I knew it was already 9:00+ in the evening! Haha! No wonder we were all (Nicole, myself, tita Merly & Lola) on the verge of yawning.

We made a little more on our 2nd day of our Stone Painting session. 
Here they are…

Being with kids, doing cute crafts with kids can wear you out, no doubt. You’ll need a little more patience and endurance to be at least at par with their vivacity …

But it’s a kind of exhaustion that leaves you smiling & telling yourself, “I’d like to do that again”.

All for now! Cheers!

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