Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"On-the-spot Art workshop with Corrine & Charmaine"

I had two kids to paint with me on this day, Corrine & Charmaine. Corrine sat beside me first. She is the “ate” among the two. She’s in grade 4, she said. Talking to Corrine was like having a conversation with an adult. You’ll listen to her because what she says actually make sense. 

 Her favorite characters include these angry guys. She’s in fact the very reason why I started painting the Angry Bird series.

 It was very enjoyable to know that Corrine likes to paint. I only assisted her with the outline, but the rest was all hers. See?

 The next girl is Charmaine. She was really shy. The only answer she could give me to my every question was her meek smile. Charmaine is only six so I knew I couldn’t give her the same pattern I gave to Corrine. 

 Chamaine said “yes” when I asked if she can paint a flower. I made an outline for her to paint on. When “ate” Corrine left, Charmaine loosened up a bit & started to make fun conversations with me.

When I checked on her stone paintings, I was so surprised when I saw the precision in her brush strokes. She was doing it lightly, following my pattern. Look how proud she was of her finished stone paintings. I was impressed!

 Good job, Corrine & Charmaine!

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